The Turkey Baster Method.
My wife hates that phrase, but that is what everybody thinks of (and
says) when lesbians talk about having a baby.
In truth, I personally would not want a turkey baster shoved up my
hoohah. So, we’ll use a medical syringe. That’s more my speed, especially with all my
vagina issues. There is another method
that is highly recommended because you don’t have to lie with your hips in the
air so the boy juice (thanks to a good friend of ours for that phrase that we
love!) doesn’t all leak out – but this method is not something I think I would
be able to do. The picture below shows
one example of the apparatus you must use in this method.

So no, we will not be using the ‘cup’ of boy juice. We will be using a medical syringe that we’ll
suck the boy juice up with and then plunge it into my happy place hoping one of
our donor’s little swimmers makes it to my egg. Take 1 syringe of baby batter, add one egg
and cook for 40 weeks.